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Déborah DNART, ultra creative nomad


Nomad and ultra creative, DNART is a young Franco-Vietnamese artist from Bordeaux. After winning a POSCA case in a contest in 2013, she started to frenetically decorate all the objects she could find in her environment.

It was a first long trip to Australia that inspired her to continue her foreign expeditions, to feed her imagination by diving into radically different cultures. They continued to hone her taste for and curiosity of local creative leisure: this is how she was able to find and refine her style.

Largely imbued in the plant world, she is perfecting her control of colour for her illustrations and other very detailed pieces. We find this need for finesse in several cultures marked by tattoos, the codes of which she acquired on her journeys. She is, consequently “tattooing” more or less common objects with POSCA. Jewellery, decorations, fashion accessories, glass vials, etc.

Her creative appetite and fruitful collaborations give her an opportunity to experiment with a wide variety of materials. The material surfaces she invests always remain identifiable. Her artistic interventions attach themselves harmoniously with the idea of beautifying without suffocating. Through travel, the attachment to natural spaces, and the search for new inspirations, the artist DNART seems to have managed to achieve a balance, in perfect harmony with her lifestyle! An example to follow, pushing ever farther her urge to produce creative leisure!

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Materials used by DNART
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