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 Red,  white,  blue  &  yellow,  and  that's  all... 

The designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac just doesn’t stop. For over 50 years, he has been making, drawing, painting and designing, and it goes on day after day. He has completed thousands of projects, is already working on things he will finish over the next five years, and he takes the time to answer questions in a documentary about him by the television channel Arte. It’s the fate of a busy man, but one who is available to be watched and seen.

Castelbajac is insatiably curious, passionate and willing, someone who always wants to find out a bit more. In this portrait, viewers glimpse a simple man in contact with everything that creation makes of artists and craftsmen. We see him in the company of Kanye West, the Pope, singer MIA and Charlotte Le Bon, Canal Plus’s former weather girl who draws and was not afraid to grapple with the VIP for a joint drawing.

The artist is also a philanthropist, talent incubator and first-class trailblazer. Giving a helping hand, getting a musician he took a liking to play, advising emerging designers or collaborating with Charlotte… one of his leitmotifs is to support all those who wish to do a little more.

Mr Jean-Charles is everywhere, both inspiring and inspired; he undergoes constant renewal, for fun and to advance art and creation.

The full documentary