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Travel far afield, in a van

Both Parisians, enduring the daily grind routine, Maggy and Gilles decided, after due reflection, to hit the road. Travel far, where they want and, preferably, heading south. In no time at all they drew up a plan and set off for new adventures. Their van was converted and fitted out for their purpose and with the help of tutorials they created a cosy little nest for themselves. Next came the paperwork, managing the teleworking and finding a place for the cat’s basket.///

They set off in May 2018, leaving the capital and its events behind. In exchange they found Portugal, its beaches, warm sand and all-year summer. For the adventure and for social media, they opted for the concept-pseudo Coucou Liberté. This became their trademark because, apart from both working in the image sector, Maggy and Gilles are also surfers and epicureans, and even hedonists. They can be considered as vanlifers, where life is spent on the road in a suitably converted van. They are also artists and craftsman/woman, with a practical side that puts them in the Creative Leisure category. They create and post DIY tutorials in which the Poscas add a touch of colour to their creations.


Maggy and Gilles are sharing this new life on the social networks with great images, it adds a touch of escapism in your Facebook feed or your Instagram grid! And when you ask Maggy about the pros and cons, it takes a few seconds to think of any negative aspects to this life style: “Sometimes it’s a bit small when it’s raining outside. Also not having a fixed address for admin and paperwork is a bit of a disadvantage, but there the only negatives I can think of”. As for the positives, the photos say it all!

Coucou Liberté is Maggy & Gilles in a van for a great adventure:
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